Support "Experimental Files" on Kickstarter A crowdfunded anthology of short stories inspired by, and written in the world of Gemma Files' "Experimental Film".
Get "Folk Horror" on your Kindle, Nook, iPad, and other devices Get WFQ's Folk Horror installment on your favorite e-reader today.
Weird Fiction Quarterly: Folk Horror 2024 is available Our latest folk horror installment is now available for purchase!
Meet your favorite WFQ authors at StokerCon this weekend! A number of Weird Fiction Quarterly authors will be attending and you can meet them at the Mass Author Signing, tomorrow, Friday May 31st.
Table of Contents for WFQ: Folk Horror We have 60 new pieces for our upcoming Folk Horror installment. Take a look at what your favorite authors have contributed.
Folk Horror cover reveal! Check out the cover for our upcoming Folk Horror installment, dropping soon!
Gremlins in our "Monsters" issue (Also: "Secret Santa" by Sarah Walker) Thank your local gremlin for a free story out of WFQ's latest Monster-themed issue, and read for more details if you received a copy that our gremlins had a hand in (un)crafting.
WFQ's "Monsters" Issue Now Available! Get your copy of the latest installment of "Weird Fiction Quarterly" now.
Landing Soon: Monsters! Coming soon: Weird Fiction Quarterly's first installment of 2024. Our theme this time: Monsters!