Support "Experimental Files" on Kickstarter
A crowdfunded anthology of short stories inspired by, and written in the world of Gemma Files' "Experimental Film".

As our writers and editors are pulling together what will become our summer "Trips & Travel" installment, Sarah and I wanted to let you know about another project being undertaken under the Weird Fiction Quarterly banner.
Experimental Files is a crowdfunded anthology of short stories inspired by, and written in the world of Gemma Files' Experimental Film. For those unfamiliar with the novel:
Experimental Film is a contemporary ghost story in which former Canadian film history teacher Lois Cairns-jobless and depressed in the wake of her son's autism diagnosis-accidentally discovers the existence of lost early 20th century Ontario filmmaker Mrs. A. Macalla Whitcomb. By deciding to investigate how Mrs. Whitcomb's obsessions might have led to her mysterious disappearance, Lois unwittingly invites the forces which literally haunt Mrs. Whitcomb's films into her life, eventually putting her son, her husband and herself in danger. Experimental Film mixes painful character detail with a creeping aura of dread to produce a fictionalized "memoir" designed to play on its readers' narrative expectations and pack an existentialist punch.
The book won both a Shirley Jackson Award in 2015 and a Sunburst Award for Best Canadian Speculative Fiction in 2016.
We are assembling the anthology from works contributed by both names you'll recognize from Weird Fiction Quarterly and some new faces, including an introduction by Bram Stoker Award winner John Langan. After we pay our production costs to fulfill the Kickstarter rewards, the remaining funds we raise will be donated to a charity supporting autism research and education selected by Gemma herself.
If you join us as a backer, we have a variety of rewards, including eBooks, physical books, signed editions, and art postcards. After the Kickstarter, we plan to continue selling the anthology under the Weird Fiction Quarterly banner, and contributing those proceeds to autism organizations. However, now is your chance to get involved early and even get your name included within as a supporter and to receive the latest news and surprises we have prepared for this volume.
We're very excited for this project, and as a reader of Weird Fiction Quarterly, we expect that you will be too.
Thank you in advance for supporting autism education, independent writers, and independent publishers.