Weird Fiction Quarterly - Fall 2024: Masquerade "Weird Fiction Quarterly - Fall 2024: Masquerade" is now available!
Table of Contents: Masquerade 2024 Sixty eight authors join us for the latest installment of Weird Fiction Quarterly: Masquerade 2024.
WFQ @ HPLFF '24 A quick reminder that Weird Fiction Quarterly is at the H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival this weekend, selling books and prints to attendees.
A (belated) Thank You to all who visited at NecronomiCon Thank you to all who came out to see us at NecronomiCon Providence this past week!
NecronomiCon Providence Day 2 (and an "Experimental Files" Update) Dispatches from NecronomiCon Providence.
WFQ @ NecronomiCon Providence Come visit WFQ at the Grand Emporium of the Weird at NecronomiCon Providence.
"WFQ: Road Trip" is out! The latest installment of Weird Fiction Quarterly - Summer 2024: Road Trip - is now available in print to purchase at your local Amazon outlet.