Table of Contents: Masquerade 2024
Sixty eight authors join us for the latest installment of Weird Fiction Quarterly: Masquerade 2024.

We're hard at work getting the newest issue into your hands by Halloween. Right now, we're wrapping up all of our contracts, author proofs, and putting together a cover image. (Stay tuned for that!)
Our theme for this installment was "masks and costumes", and we received a large number of submissions on the topic of masks, so without further ado, here is the table of contents for the next installment, Weird Fiction Quarterly: Masquerade 2024:
- The Masked Ones (John H. Howard)
- The Skin Thieves (Natasha Liora)
- The Night Swimmers (Sarah Walker)
- Grim Guise (Adam Bolivar)
- The Lord of the Hunt (Chelsea Arrington)
- Your Presence is Required (Andrew S. Fuller)
- Unmasked (Duane Pesice)
- The Girl In The Pallid Mask (Glynn Owen Barrass)
- True Face (Erin Banks)
- Carne Vale (Andrew Moore)
- The Being (Shayne K. Keen)
- A Good Time, to Be Sure (Kurt Fawver)
- I Wake After Seventy Years Instead Of Seven (Robert Jeschonek)
- Spiral into Madness (Sumiko Saulson)
- The Functioning Addict’s Soiree (Rob Tannahill)
- The Mask of The Hunter (Tony Bradbury)
- (Un)filtered (Ngo Binh Anh Khoa)
- Janice (Jill Hand)
- Shifting Perspectives (Colleen Anderson)
- The Metamorphosis (Scott J. Couturier)
- Holy Sheet (Peter Rawlik)
- Pulses (John Paul Fitch)
- The Right Mask (Lisa Morton)
- Invested in Vestments (J.C. Maçek III)
- Human Impersonation Day (Daniel Braum)
- About Face (Michael Thomas Ford)
- Lopardo (Mala Jay Suess)
- The Mask of the Universe (Maxwell I. Gold)
- The Face Blind King (David Barker)
- Masque (Robert J. Sodaro)
- Sheela-na-Gig (Sonya Taaffe)
- Rabbits, Rabbits, Rabbits (Denise Dumars)
- Masquerade (M Ennenbach)
- Plumage at the Bottom of the Deep Blue (Richard Leis)
- The Gimp Mask of Shiverville (Frank Floyd)
- Silent (Roger Keel)
- Hallowed Dream (Ashley Dioses)
- Mask of the Leopard Priestess (Mark McLaughlin)
- The Rasp of the Dead Breath (Rhys Hughes)
- Five Sixes Are Thirty (Jayaprakash Satyamurthy)
- A Summer Dig (Hayley Arrington)
- And So I Don My Pallid Mask (Sal Ciano)
- Urine Drop Halloween (Zoltán Komor)
- Damask (Silvatiicus Riddle)
- Behind the Pasteboard Mask (Neil Sanzari)
- The Red Mask (Kasey Hill)
- Be Sweet (Can Wiggins)
- Revelations (J. Edward Zuleger)
- The Pallid Mask (Frank Coffman)
- The Death Mask (Manuel Arenas)
- Meat Suit (Russ Parkhurst)
- The Frankenstein Blues (Andy Joynes)
- The Front Stage Mask (Chris J. Karr)
- Volte Face (LC von Hessen)
- The Empress’s New Clothes (Pixie Bruner)
- The Collector (Simon Bleaken)
- The Sleep Mask (Nathan Carson)
- Masque of the Sepulcher (Don Webb)
- A Heart’s Beat (Rebecca Buchanan)
- Dance With Me (Brandon Barrows)
- When Giant Stars Collapse (Melanie Crew)
- Farewell to the Masquerade (Christopher Ropes)
- Strings Attached (Erica Ruppert)
- Last Day at the Lake (Gevera Bert Piedmont)
- Moon Masks (Jay Sturner)
- Have Mouths, Will Scream (John M. F. Colton)
- Jack-o’-Lantern Mask (K. A. Opperman)
- Lot Number 55784-1: Kishiss Mask (Joanna Roye)
- About the Authors
We have a lot of new and returning visages in this issue and we can't wait to share their tales with you soon!