Table of Contents: Ghosts 2025

The Table of Contents for the imminent "Ghosts 2025" issue is here to haunt you.

Table of Contents: Ghosts 2025
Cover art by Mutartis Boswell

It's been a little while, but we've been hard at work pulling together our first issue of 2025, on the theme of ghosts. You've seen the cover for the new issue, and we're ready to share our contributors and their stories' titles.

Without further ado, the Table of Contents:

  1. The Haunting of Weird Fiction Quarterly (Shayne K. Keen)
  2. The Ghost Summer (Sonya Taaffe)
  3. The Backing Track (Garrett Cook)
  4. The Companion Volume (Geoffrey Reiter)
  5. Down at the Globe (Jill Hand)
  6. Defending Brother Tom (J. Edward Zuleger)
  7. The Baptistry (Andrew Moore)
  8. Pray Harder (Natasha Liora)
  9. Hollow (Glynn Owen Barrass)
  10. The Haunted Jazz Mag (Andy Joynes)
  11. The Price of Vinyls (Mala Jay Suess)
  12. Jikoshi (An Accidental Death) (Brandon Barrows)
  13. Visitation (Denise Dumars)
  14. Graveyard Walk (Frank Coffman)
  15. A Polish Ghost (Frank Floyd)
  16. The Limen (Chelsea Arrington)
  17. Spook Light (John H. Howard)
  18. Swipe Rite (Sal Ciano)
  19. His Arm, My Ring (Pixie Bruner)
  20. The Transient (Manuel Arenas)
  21. Bunicuţă is a Ghost (Robert J. Sodaro)
  22. That Lonesome Cry (David Barker)
  23. Live...Mostly (John M. F. Colton)
  24. Hollow Children (Rebecca Buchanan)
  25. When Ghosts Haunted Oblivion (Maxwell I. Gold)
  26. Diagnosis: Haunted Personality Disorder (Christopher Ropes)
  27. Five (John Claude Smith)
  28. Subject 42 (Lisa Morton)
  29. Root to Rope (Jayaprakash Satyamurthy)
  30. The Unfinished Letter (Hayley Arrington)
  31. "Do Not Whistle and It Will Not Come to You, oh Lad" (Daniel Braum)
  32. The Book of Ghovat (Can Wiggins)
  33. The Last Ghost Story (Mark McLaughlin)
  34. The Fields of Asphodel (Ashley Dioses)
  35. The Deadly Ace (J.C. Maçek III)
  36. Skeleton Fingers (Lamont A. Turner)
  37. A Gale of a Time (Kasey Hill)
  38. Mean Ghouls (Duane Pesice)
  39. The Smudged Man (John Paul Fitch)
  40. Whited Sepulchres (Joanna Roye)
  41. Hengist’s Toll (Erin Banks)
  42. End the Beguine (Richard Leis)
  43. A Darkening of Shadows (Simon Bleaken)
  44. Above, and Beyond (Erica Ruppert)
  45. ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas (Elisa M. Gray)
  46. Picture Perfect (Ngo Binh Anh Khoa)
  47. Death, My Belov‘ed (K. A. Opperman)
  48. Ghost Stories (Peter Rawlik)
  49. Thirteen Counts (Scott J. Couturier)
  50. Wasted on the Living (M Ennenbach)
  51. Make It Go Away (Robert Jeschonek)
  52. Shell Shocked (Roger Keel)
  53. What the Computer Booted (Don Webb)
  54. Twins (Sarah Walker)
  55. Field Trip (Michael Thomas Ford)
  56. The Piper Calls at 820 Livermere Lane: The Sin-Eater’s Lament (Melanie Crew)
  57. Grim King of Ghosts (Adam Bolivar)
  58. Mater Nostra (Russ Parkhurst)
  59. About the Authors

This collection has been baking for a while and we're eager to share it with you really soon!

Stay tuned.

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