NecronomiCon Providence Day 2 (and an "Experimental Files" Update)

Dispatches from NecronomiCon Providence.

NecronomiCon Providence Day 2 (and an "Experimental Files" Update)
WFQ booth starting Day 2 of NecronomiCon Providence

We had a robust day at the Grand Emporium of the Weird yesterday.

We met lots of new readers and ended up selling about 80% of the inventory we brought by mid-afternoon. We sold out completely of Road Trip 2024, Folk Horror 2024, and are down to two copies of Winter 2022 and three copies of Fall & Halloween 2023 and Monsters 2024. If we make it through today with any copies remaining, it'll be a minor miracle.

(And if you're reading this at NecronomiCon and would like to grab a discounted copy, come down before they're all gone.)

We'll continue manning the booth through the end of the weekend, and even if we run completely out of books to sell, we'll be pitching our new subscription tiers (thanks to all who subscribed already!) and encouraging attendees to check out our Experimental Files Kickstarter to support the new anthology and autism research.

Speaking of Experimental Files, it is now fully funded and we'll begin pulling the anthology together after getting home from the convention. For those of you who haven't yet supported the project, you still have eleven days before the crowdfunding window closes, and Sarah's working on some great additional surprises for backers.

We want to thank everyone whose support contributing work, purchasing books, and subscribing to WFQ have taken us this far. Stick around for even greater (and weirder) things ahead.

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