A (belated) Thank You to all who visited at NecronomiCon

Thank you to all who came out to see us at NecronomiCon Providence this past week!

A (belated) Thank You to all who visited at NecronomiCon
Photo by Jainam Sheth / Unsplash

I wanted to thank everyone who came over to our table at NecronomiCon Providence. Because of your interest, we sold out of books by Saturday afternoon, which means that we'll be upping our logistical game next time. (It looks like we'll try to pop up next at October's H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival in Portland.)

There were a couple of themes that I spoke with folks about at the show, and I wanted to reiterate them here:

  • If you visited the table to order a book and we had run out, everything we were selling is available online. Our US print editions are available from Amazon.
  • Our Kickstarter for Experimental Files is still open for one more week. To recap, we are assembling an anthology of short stories (longer than 500 words) that revolve around the themes and settings of Gemma Files' Experimental Film, which won the 2016 Shirley Jackson Award for Best Novel and the 2016 Sunburst Award for Best Adult Novel. And after writers and illustrators are paid, the remaining proceeds will be donated to autism research and outreach.
  • If we spoke about something or other, and I mentioned that you should e-mail me, one of the addresses I handed out was inquiries@weirdfictionquarterly.com. Reach out and let's continue the conversations we started.
  • If you are interested in subscribing to Weird Fiction Quarterly, our announcement is here. For those of you who already subscribed, I'll be reaching out over the next week to get you access to your subscriber portal and start fulfilling any orders for our newest release, Road Trip 2024, for those of you choosing that as your first installment.

I had a great time at the show and it was extremely encouraging to see the weird fiction community embrace WFQ as much as it has. We're going to take that community endorsement and and work hard to finish up 2024 strong, and to kick off our third year of installments with a bang in 2025. We have some exciting plans that will knock your socks off, so stay tuned, and thank you (again) for all the support.

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